Zoom Meeting Bingo Cards

Staff Meeting Bingo Cards
This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Meeting starts late, People join unmuted, 'We have the best teachers' followed by unreasonable expectations, Question asked, already answered, 'Kids aren't spreaders', Parent freezes mid question, Unmuted parent yells at kids, Parents incorrectly answering questions in chat, Question about how many days hybrid will be in person, 'All teachers are fully vaccinated', Union Bashing, Unmuted parent talking on phone, Question about masks, Question about a different grade, Two answers given that contradict each other, Muted while asking a question, Admin announces something thats news to teachers, Question that applies to no one but asker, 'well at this other school...', 'When will we go fully back?', Muted while answering a question, Admin announces something false, Parents text you question during the meeting and 'Technically the answer is A, but for CIS... B'.
Zoom Bingo Card Generator
Zoom Meeting Bingo bingo card with Robot Voice, Two People Talk At The Same Time, Out of Dress Code, Action Figures Or Toys In Background, Taking The Meeting In Bed, Can't Turn Off 'Fun' Background, Kids Yelling In Background, Echo, Weird Background On Screen Share and Only Every Other Word Comes Through. Zoom Meeting BINGO Zoom Meeting BINGO Zoom Meeting BINGO Town Hall BINGO YMCA Zoomingo! Print Bingo Cards Print pages, with 1 2 4 cards per page Show bingo title Include call list. Whether on Zoom or on Microsoft Teams, these meetings cover a range of topics, but every single one of them 2 features at least one of the entries on this handy, cut-out-and-keep bingo card. Our spotter’s compendium has been scientifically 3 designed to keep your spirits up 4 through any remaining exam boards or planning meetings, right.
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